New features (Updated November 2020)

1. Added the function to create specific lists of fonts, enter the names of the fonts and sites will see only them.  
2. Flexible setting of the time zone for the browser, now you can configure different browsers for different time zones, change the name of the time zone, adjust the minutes, etc.
3. Adjusting the window size to the screen resolution of the config with one click (I still recommend using the built-in function in the browser that opens via ctrl+shift+m, it is more accurate)
4. Entering a proxy through our extension, without opening the browser settings (only for proxies without authorization)
5. Improved IP address monitoring, which now automatically replaces WebRTC
6. The ability to disable the substitution of WebRTC and Canvas, if you want real values
7. Improvements in the work of configs, a change in AntiDetect core, minor bug fixes, based on customer feedback
8. Button for automatically passing through popular sites for collecting cookies (not a full-fledged robot, just a walk through the sites from the list)
9. Configs now contain WebGL from real browsers and AD automatically picks up these values
10. Changed the software interface, added different themes for the interface

                                     DOWNLOAD ANTIDETECT V 8.0.1 

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